Shareable Graphics: What We Love and How We Get There

Getting vaccinated and boosted is the best way to protect yourself and others against COVID-19—and the best way to get us all back to doing what we love safely. Download these shareable graphics along with sample social posts to use in your local COVID-19 communication and vaccination outreach.

Shareable Graphics

Download all four graphics in English here, and click here to download the graphics in Spanish. (Note that the following images are sized for Twitter, and Instagram-sized images are in the folder).

Sample Social Posts


  • The best way to protect yourself + loved ones against #COVID19, including the Omicron variant, is by getting #vaccinated and #boosted. Let’s get back to doing what we love — learn more about getting a #vaccine or #booster today: [Link to your local/state landing page for more information]
  • Getting #vaccinated + #boosted will help you and your loved ones from getting sick, and it will help us all get back to doing the things we love. Millions have gotten a vaccine or booster—join them today: [Link to your local/state landing page for more information]

Spanish – Click Here for Graphics

  • La mejor manera de que usted y sus seres queridos estén protegidos contra el #COVID19 , incluida la variante delta, es vacunándose. Volvamos a hacer lo que disfrutamos. Infórmese más hoy mismo sobre cómo puede ponerse una #vacuna. Es segura, gratis y eficaz: [Link to your local/state landing page for more information]

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