The most helpful actions you can take to prevent the spread of measles include isolating if you have a rash or believe you have been exposed, wearing a mask if around others, and contacting a healthcare provider immediately. Isolation is a key health precaution used to prevent people with confirmed or suspected measles from spreading the virus through respiratory droplets or cross-contaminated surfaces.

  • If you become sick and have not been vaccinated against measles:
    • Contact a healthcare provider immediately and alert them that you believe you were exposed to measles. Ask them about receiving an MMR vaccine and discuss treatment options. 
    • You should isolate for 21 days after your exposure. 
    • You should wear a mask and disinfect surfaces when near others to avoid the spread of germs in the air and on common household items.
  • If you become sick and have been vaccinated against measles:
    • Contact a healthcare provider immediately and alert them that you believe you were exposed to measles. Discuss your vaccine history with them as part of determining possible treatment options. 
    • You should quarantine to limit contact with others. You may be advised to stay home for four days if you develop the measles rash.
    • You should wear a mask and disinfect surfaces when near others to avoid the spread of germs in the air and on common household items.

Added February 27, 2024