Protecting your health during periods of poor air quality requires an understanding of what air quality is, how it is evaluated, and the most important indoor and outdoor safety measures to take when air quality is unhealthy. Use this guide for information and resources to protect your health and the health of your household.
PDF: Understanding Air Quality
Social Media Sample Posts
Sample Posts (English)
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- Periods of poor air quality are becoming more frequent across the U.S. Learn more about how to evaluate #AirQuality, as well as safety measures you can take to protect yourself from air pollution: [Insert link to the PDF or your local/state landing page]
- #AirQuality – what is it, how is it evaluated, and how can we stay safe when the air quality is unhealthy? Use this guide to protect your health and the health of your household from air pollution: [Insert link to the PDF or your local/state landing page]
- Protect Your Health | Knowing the causes of air pollution, how to measure it, and effective ways to stay safe can help you protect yourself and your family against harmful #AirQuality. Learn more: [Insert link to the PDF or your local/state landing page]
Sample Posts (Spanish)
Click to download the shareable graphic.
Click to download the shareable graphic.
- Los periodos de mala calidad del aire son cada vez más frecuentes en todo EE. UU. Obtenga más información sobre cómo evaluar la #CalidadDelAire y las medidas de seguridad que puede tomar para protegerse de la contaminación atmosférica: [Insert link to the PDF or your local/state landing page]
- #CalidadDelAire: ¿qué es, cómo se evalúa y cómo podemos mantenernos a salvo cuando la calidad del aire es insalubre? Utilice esta guía para proteger su salud y la de su hogar de la contaminación del aire: [Insert link to the PDF or your local/state landing page]
- Proteja su salud | Conocer las causas de la contaminación atmosférica, cómo medirla y las formas eficaces de mantenerse a salvo puede ayudarle a protegerse a sí mismo y a su familia contra la nociva #CalidadDelAire. Más información: [Insert link to the PDF or your local/state landing page]