Children and COVID-19 Vaccination

The CDC recommends that children age 6 months and older should get a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. The decision was made after analyzing substantial data from clinical trials involving thousands of children, confirming the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness for children in this age group.

The CDC also recommends boosters for children at least 2 months after their second shot (except for children ages 6 months – 4 years who get the three-dose Pfizer series).

As of December 9, 2022, the updated bivalent COVID-19 is available to children as young as six months. The CDC recommends updated Pfizer or Moderna boosters for children at least 2 months after their second shot. For children ages 6 months – 4 years who get the three-dose Pfizer series, they will receive the updated Pfizer vaccine as their third dose, rather than as a booster.

PHCC has created a one-page chart reflecting the latest vaccine recommendations for children, as well as sample social media posts and graphics to help you answer questions about children and vaccines across age groups in your community.

Social Media Sample Posts and Shareable Graphics

Sample posts (English)

  • COVID-19 vaccine update: children ages 6 months and up are now eligible to get an updated bivalent #COVID19 vaccine from Pfizer or Moderna! Learn more on how to schedule your child’s updated booster dose here: [Link to your local/state landing page for more information]
  • The CDC recommends #COVID19 vaccination for children as young as six months old. Learn more about getting your child a safe and effective #vaccine here: [Link to your local/state landing page for more information]
  • This winter, the best way to keep your children safe and healthy is by getting them #vaccinated against COVID-19.  Children ages 5 and below are now eligible! Learn more: [Link to your local/state landing page for more information]

Sample posts (Spanish)

  • Información actualizada sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19: a partir de ahora, los niños de 6 meses o más son elegibles para la dosis de refuerzo actualizada bivalente de Pfizer o Moderna. Obtenga más información sobre cómo programar la dosis de refuerzo de su hijo haciendo clic aquí: [Link to your local/state landing page for more information]
  • Los CDC recomiendan que a partir de ahora los niños de 6 meses o más se vacunen contra el #COVID19. Obtenga más información sobre cómo su hijo puede recibir una #vacuna segura y eficaz, haciendo clic aquí: [Link to your local/state landing page for more information]
  • Este invierno, la mejor manera de mantener a sus hijos sanos y saludables es #vacunarlos contra el COVID-19. ¡A partir de ahora, los niños de 6 meses o más son elegibles! Más información aquí: [Link to your local/state landing page for more information]

Shareable Graphics

Click to download a folder with graphics in English and Spanish sized for multiple platforms. The below graphics are a preview of what you’ll find in the shareable graphics folder.