The global safety study that identified several extremely rare risks associated with COVID-19 vaccines is being distorted and misrepresented online. Some posts include lists and misleading graphs of the increased risks identified in the study, while others contradict the study’s findings to overstate the risks and falsely insinuate that health authorities denied risks that have been formally recognized since 2021.
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The safety study is being used to spread the false narratives that COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe and have more risks than previously acknowledged. These narratives—based on deliberate misrepresentations of legitimate data—may weaken public confidence in vaccines. Talking points may emphasize that the largest global safety study to date confirmed just how safe COVID-19 vaccines are and the extreme rarity of serious adverse reactions. The study’s large scale allowed for the detection of risks that smaller studies may miss because they are so rare. Messaging may highlight that a study that found extremely rare risks, such as seven cases of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis out of 36 million Moderna vaccinations, does not support the false narrative that COVID-19 vaccines cause widespread death and serious health complications. Messaging may also explain that the safety of COVID-19 vaccines has been established in numerous large-scale studies, including the recent global safety study. Fact Checking Source(s): AFP, Health Feedback
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