A video of a teenager who died in 2013 allegedly after receiving a flu shot is recirculating among anti-vaccine accounts. The teen’s mother believes that the vaccine caused her son’s death, although no autopsy was performed.
Stories about unexplained deaths have fueled the anti-vaccine movement for decades. Talking points may emphasize that a child’s death is always tragic, and it’s the responsibility of health and legal authorities to determine whether an adverse side effect occurred after vaccination. In this case, state health officials stated that they had “no evidence of a flu vaccine, or any other kind of vaccine, causing this type of reaction/outcome.” Responding with empathy and acknowledging parents’ concerns about vaccination is recommended, as is explaining how vaccination will help protect children and their families. Messaging may emphasize that flu vaccines are rigorously tested to make sure that they are safe for all vaccinated individuals, including children and teens, and that adverse side effects are extremely rare.