A right-wing newspaper published an article claiming that the U.S. government lied about the effectiveness of masks. This claim is partially based on a recent meta-analysis of mask studies, which found that masks “probably make little or no difference” with respect to COVID-19.
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Misinformation about the effectiveness of masks has circulated since the earliest days of the pandemic. Many anti-mask advocates have seized on the recent review to support their opposition to masks and mask mandates. Emphasizing that the analysis relied on limited evidence due to the lack of high-quality randomized controlled trials of mask effectiveness against COVID-19 is recommended. Of the 78 studies included in the analysis, only 6—less than 8 percent—were COVID-19 mask studies. The other studies assessed mask effectiveness against other upper respiratory diseases like the flu. The studies also had inconsistent methods, with some only measuring continuous mask use and others measuring inconsistent use. Debunking messaging may emphasize that the largest randomized trial of mask effectiveness against COVID-19 found a significant reduction in COVID-19 infections in people who consistently wore masks. Fact Checking Source(s): GAVI, Health Feedback, Health.com
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