A website that claims vaccines don’t save lives is promoting misinformation about the safety of the HPV vaccine. The website shares the story of a U.K. woman who has claimed for years that the HPV vaccine is responsible for a growing list of chronic illnesses, including an allergy to her own tears. The story also falsely claims that the HPV vaccine only lasts for three years and isn’t effective against cervical cancer.
Public Health England has stated that it investigates every report of vaccine side effects and has found “no credible evidence of a link between the HPV vaccine and a range of chronic illnesses.” Debunking messaging may explain that the HPV vaccine provides long-lasting protection against the HPV strains that cause 70 percent of cervical cancers. Messaging may also emphasize that, in the 17 years since the HPV vaccine’s approval, no serious safety concerns have been reported. Emphasizing that a recent U.K. study found an 87 percent reduction in cervical cancer among women who were vaccinated at age 12 is recommended.