Right-wing commentator continues coverage of anti-vaccine documentary

Medium Impact

A popular right-wing figure with millions of social media followers continued promotion of the debunked documentary that falsely claims COVID-19 vaccines have caused mass death and are part of a depopulation plan. The commentator claimed that vaccines are a “crime against humanity.”

The high-profile source of this misinformation elevates its risk. Emphasizing the misrepresentations and hoaxes included in the documentary is recommended, as is explaining that the film blames any sudden or unexplained death on COVID-19 vaccines, without any evidence, knowledge of other health conditions, or even confirmation of vaccination status. Consider combating misinformation by explaining that baselessly claiming that deaths are related to vaccines, even when there is evidence to the contrary, is a common tactic of vaccine opponents. Many of the people featured in the film didn’t die at all; they fainted, collapsed from exhaustion, or experienced seizures. Messaging may emphasize that there is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines increase the risk of sudden death and that the vaccines have been safely administered to 70 percent of the world’s population.

Fact-checking Source(s):

McGill University, FactCheck.org

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