Post claims Pfizer vaccine caused miscarriages during clinical trial

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A video that has been viewed over 7,600 times falsely claims that during the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial, 270 pregnancies were reported and that data from 236 pregnancies “disappeared” while 28 of the remaining 34 pregnancies ended in miscarriage.

Pregnant people were not included in the initial clinical trial, so participants would have been unaware of their pregnancies at the trial’s start and early in pregnancy at the time of the Pfizer report. Of the 270 pregnancies reported during the trial, 238 were ongoing at the time of the report, while the remaining 32 pregnancies had ended, with 28 resulting in miscarriage. Pfizer’s data shows that at the time of the report, 10.4 percent of the pregnancies had ended in miscarriage, which is well within the normal miscarriage rate of 10 to 20 percent. Emphasizing that data from multiple other studies show that COVID-19 vaccination does not increase miscarriage risk is recommended, as is explaining that vaccination is safe and recommended for people who are pregnant and breastfeeding or anyone trying to become pregnant in the future.

Fact-checking Source(s):

Reuters, University of Minnesota

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