Misleading post claims that doctors get bonuses for meeting vaccination quotas

Medium Impact

A social media post claims that Blue Cross Blue Shield pays pediatricians a $40,000 bonus for vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2 and that they lose the bonus if less than 63 percent of patients are vaccinated. This claim is based on a 2016 blog post insinuating doctors don’t have patients’ best interests at heart.

The persistence of this misinformation and its potential to cause hesitancy about routine vaccines increases its risk. Debunking messaging may explain that insurance incentive programs require doctors to meet multiple performance goals related to the quality of patient care and health outcomes. The performance metrics include timely vaccinations, regular appointments, appropriate use of medications, and disease diagnosis and treatment. Emphasizing that vaccinations are integral to pediatric care, reducing the risk of patients contracting serious and potentially fatal illnesses, is recommended.

Fact-checking Source(s):

USA Today, FactCheck.org

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