On November 27, Florida’s surgeon general shared an article from a far right-wing website claiming that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have “deadly side effects.” The article, which was originally published on a site with a history of promoting false claims and conspiracy theories, cites unverified Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System data and quotes a controversial writer known for promoting anti-vaccine conspiracies. The surgeon general calls the CDC “unethical” for continuing to recommend COVID-19 vaccines. Some responses to the post question the credibility of the article and its source, while others thank the surgeon general for speaking out against COVID-19 vaccines.
A high-ranking health official promoting misleading or false claims about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines may increase hesitancy among the general public. Messaging may explain that VAERS data are self-reported, unverified, and cannot be used as evidence that a vaccine caused a specific adverse event. Talking points may also emphasize how we know vaccines are safe: Over four years of research and rigorous monitoring have shown COVID-19 vaccines to be safe and serious adverse reactions to be extremely rare. More than 70 percent of the world’s population—over 5.5 billion people—has safely received COVID-19 vaccines.
Fact-checking sources: PolitiFact, Infectious Diseases Society of America