On November 11, Arcturus Therapeutics announced that the FDA cleared a clinical trial for a self-amplifying mRNA vaccine for H5N1 avian influenza. Vaccine opponents responded to the news with conspiracy theories about the vaccine being dangerous and “shedding” to unvaccinated people. Popular posts described the vaccine as “reckless,” a “disaster waiting to happen,” and a “gain-of-function [experiment] inside the human body.” Several posts attempted to link the experimental vaccines to conspiracy theories about Bill Gates and called for a “clean house” at the FDA.
Vaccine opponents are using the same tactics they used against COVID-19 vaccines to oppose any new vaccine or vaccine technology. Messaging may explain that mRNA vaccines are backed by decades of research, and over four years of research and safety monitoring have confirmed their safety. Talking points may highlight the overwhelming scientific consensus, backed by peer-reviewed research and global safety monitoring, showing that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are safe.