False claim circulates that Czech data reveals that COVID-19 vaccines are deadly

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A tech entrepreneur well known for promoting vaccine conspiracy theories claims in a recent blog post that Czech data proves that COVID-19 vaccines are deadly. The post includes an analysis that compares all-cause death rates between people who received Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, while completely omitting death rates among unvaccinated people. The analysis found that all-cause deaths were higher among Moderna vaccine recipients compared to Pfizer vaccine recipients, which is being boasted as proof that the vaccines increased all-cause deaths.

The false narrative that COVID-19 vaccines cause excess deaths is pervasive despite being disproven repeatedly. Debunking messaging may emphasize that the analysis ignored all-cause death rates among unvaccinated people, likely because it shows that unvaccinated people consistently died at higher rates than vaccinated people, regardless of vaccination type. Additionally, the analysis assumed that vaccines were distributed randomly, but demographic data shows that Moderna vaccine recipients were older than Pfizer recipients, which may have contributed to higher all-cause death rates. Messaging may also highlight the large-scale peer-reviewed studies showing that higher vaccination rates are associated with lower all-cause mortality

Fact-checking Source(s):

Reuters, The Conversation

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