A new study by several well-known vaccine opponents claims that “brain clots are 112,000% more likely after COVID-19 vaccination than flu vaccination” and that COVID-19 vaccines are “20,700% more likely to cause brain clots than all vaccines combined.” The study uses VAERS reports of cerebral thromboembolism, a rare blood clot in the brain, to draw this conclusion. The authors called for “an immediate global moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines.”
Vaccine opponents frequently misuse VAERS data to spread false and misleading narratives about vaccine safety. Debunking messaging may explain that VAERS and similar systems allow anyone to submit unverified reports of vaccine injuries or side effects. Emphasizing that VAERS data are self-reported, unverified, and cannot be used as evidence that a vaccine caused a specific adverse event is recommended, as is highlighting that real-world data shown COVID-19 vaccines to be safe and that serious adverse reactions, including blood clots, to be extremely rare.
Fact-checking Sources: University of Buffalo, Tech ARP