A discredited research scientist best known for promoting health-related conspiracy theories recently accused Pfizer of “covering up” a batch of the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) vaccines linked to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) cases. According to the post, instead of simply recalling the batch, the company deliberately distributed it throughout the country to avoid clusters of injury and death and then recorded the plot in a memo. This claim is related to the recently resurfaced myth that the U.S. Supreme Court declared vaccines “unavoidably unsafe.”
Myths about childhood vaccines and SIDS are widespread, increasing the risk of this misinformation. Debunking messaging may emphasize that anti-vaccine groups have attempted for decades to falsely link childhood vaccines to SIDS despite evidence conclusively showing no link between the condition and any vaccine. SIDS occurs at the same rate in vaccinated and unvaccinated children and has not increased with higher vaccination rates. Vaccines are rigorously monitored for safety, and the batches are recalled immediately when contamination is detected.