Congressional hearing spurs circulation of false claims about COVID-19

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Following the June 3 congressional hearing of the former head of the U.S. COVID-19 response team, viral posts drove widespread online conversations about COVID-19 and vaccines. Some posts claimed the hearing exposed a government coverup, while others criticized committee members for reigniting fringe COVID-19 conspiracy theories, like claims that the virus is a bioweapon. Several claims circulated about the hearing, including the outright falsehood that the official admitted he “made up” social distancing rules.

Posts about the hearing generated billions of impressions and over 450,000 mentions in under 48 hours and are likely to circulate for months. Talking points may highlight how the COVID-19 pandemic select committee members have used the hearings to promote false claims and conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and vaccines. Debunking messaging may continue to emphasize that, despite the baseless claims of various members of Congress, scientific research has consistently supported the effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

Fact-checking Source(s):

Reuters, AP News, ABC News

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