Claim circulates that emails reveal the White House hid COVID-19 vaccine risks

Medium Impact

Several articles claim that emails from 2021 reveal federal officials covered up COVID-19 vaccine risks, including myocarditis and blood clots. These emails don’t reveal any previously unknown or damning information. Nonetheless, some on social media claim the emails are a “smoking gun.”

Misleading claims about the health officials’ COVID-19 response are widespread and have the potential to damage trust in health authorities and vaccines. Messaging may emphasize that, far from exposing a coverup, these emails from late May 2021 show that federal health officials carefully monitored and flagged potential safety signals and promptly informed the public. Messaging may also explain that federal health authorities are responsible for monitoring even extremely rare risks like myocarditis and blood clots.

Fact-checking Source(s):

Snopes, American Heart Association

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