Several conspiracy theories are circulating about mRNA vaccines being administered through bizarre alternative means. A video being shared in English and Spanish falsely claims that so-called “chemtrails” are being used to spray mRNA vaccines on the unsuspecting public. This claim is allegedly based on a pilot’s “testimony.” Other posts resurface the debunked claim that mRNA vaccines have been secretly added to the food supply. Finally, a viral post claims that genetically modified mosquitoes are being released in the U.S. to vaccinate people. All three conspiracy theories are linked to Bill Gates.
Myth and fearmongering about mRNA vaccines is widespread and persistent, although it’s hard to gauge what percentage of the general public takes these false claims seriously. Talking points may explain that mRNA exists naturally in every living thing, including produce and livestock. Debunking messaging may explain that there is no evidence of mRNA vaccines in the food supply and that vaccines are not being distributed through chemtrails or other surreptitious means, including mosquitoes. Genetically modified mosquitoes that are unable to reproduce have been released in some parts of the world to reduce the populations of the insects that carry malaria and dengue fever. Additionally, one study found that mosquitoes can successfully deliver a mRNA-based malaria vaccine to mice, although the technique has not been tested in humans.