Images of alleged vaccine-related blood clots circulate online

Medium Impact

Images and videos of abnormally large blood clots that are allegedly linked to COVID-19 vaccines have resurfaced online, claiming without evidence that the clots were removed from “fully vaccinated” patients. Social media users sharing the footage express concerns about COVID-19 vaccine safety. 

Alarming images of blood clots allegedly linked to vaccines circulate periodically, with no source or evidence of a link to the vaccine. Debunking messaging may highlight that, in several instances, these images have proven to be from before the pandemic or not of blood clots at all. For example, one of the videos currently circulating is from 2019. Messaging may also emphasize that blood clots have been reported as an extremely rare adverse reaction to two non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Research shows that COVID-19 infection increases blood clot risk far more than any COVID-19 vaccine and that COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of post-COVID blood clots.

Fact-checking Source(s):

Health Feedback, AFP

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