Redacted CDC myocarditis data draws criticism

Medium Impact

The CDC allegedly released 148 FOIA-requested pages related to myocarditis events following COVID-19 vaccination that were heavily redacted. Critics have accused the agency of a lack of transparency.

Concerns about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines continue to fuel vaccine hesitancy despite the wealth of evidence showing that the vaccines are safe. Messaging may explain that myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination, which may result from an abnormally high immune response, is very rare, typically mild, and resolves quickly. The risk of myocarditis after COVID-19 infection is much higher than the risk after COVID-19 vaccination. Messaging may also highlight that FOIA requests may be redacted for a number of reasons, including protection of personal information and confidential communication between agencies.

Fact-checking Source(s):

Yale Medicine, The Conversation

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