Study prompts conversation about AI’s impact on air pollution and public health

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A new preprint study driving conversation online estimates that by 2030, excess air pollution caused by artificial intelligence could cause up to 1,300 premature deaths a year in the United States alone. The study also estimated an annual economic impact of $20 billion per year due to lost work and school days and treatments from pollution-related health issues. Researchers at Caltech and the University of California, Riverside, project that the public health burden of AI-related pollution will exceed that from automobile and steelmaking by the end of the decade. One of the study’s authors noted that, “the growth of AI is driving an enormous increase in demand for data centers and energy, making it the fastest-growing sector for energy consumption across all industries.” 


Messaging may explain that while AI is a valuable tool, like any technology, it has drawbacks that should be considered. AI data centers use large amounts of energy, water, and natural resources and produce electronic waste, all of which have significant environmental impacts. Several organizations and initiatives are working to raise awareness and mitigate some of AI’s damaging public health effects. 

Fact-checking sources:  Newsweek; University of California, Riverside

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