A social media post with nearly 49,000 engagements falsely claims that people vaccinated against COVID-19 continue to get sick while unvaccinated people are “healthy and thriving.” While it’s true that the Omicron variant infected fully vaccinated people more than previous variants, unvaccinated people are still more susceptible to Omicron infections. Additionally, fully vaccinated people are far better protected against severe disease and death from Omicron than unvaccinated people. Boosters further increase that protection.
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The spread of Omicron has led to an increase in misinformation about the efficacy of vaccines against the variant, and the public is understandably confused. Emphasizing that COVID-19 vaccines remain the best form of protection against the virus and that unvaccinated people are at a higher risk from the virus is recommended. Emphasizing that booster doses can increase protection against Omicron for those already vaccinated is also recommended. Fact Checking Source(s):
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