A new study that is still in peer review found that the low-dose Pfizer vaccine for children 5 to 11 offered little protection against Omicron infection and decreased protection against serious illness. The study has been covered by multiple major news sites and has been shared on social media with messages discouraging parents from vaccinating their children.
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There is understandable and widespread concern about COVID-19 vaccination for children. Responding with empathy and acknowledging the concerns of parents is recommended, as is explaining how vaccination will help protect both children and their families. Informational materials may emphasize that the latest news around vaccine efficacy in the 5 to 11 age group is not a sign that the vaccine is unnecessary for children but rather that the low-dose vaccine was likely not sufficient to provide lasting immunity. An additional or alternative vaccine dose for young children may be necessary. In the meantime, masks provide young children with additional protection against COVID-19. Fact-Checking Source(s):
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