A social media post claims that the Delta variant of COVID-19 is far less deadly than the mainstream media reports. The user backs up the claim with data from a June 25 report from Public Health England that indicates the Delta variant’s case fatality rate is 0.1 percent compared to 1.9 percent for the original strain. A spokesperson for the agency cautions that there is not sufficient evidence to determine if the Delta variant is less dangerous than the original strain. Experts added that a reduced case fatality for the Delta variant is expected given the higher vaccination rate compared to the start of the pandemic or when earlier variants were identified. A study from April found that the Delta variant in the UK is 43 percent to 90 percent more transmissible than the original, but found “no clear evidence for a change in disease severity.”
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While addressing this specific instance of misinformation could distract from priority talking points, there is widespread confusion and concern regarding the Delta variant. News reporting, health authorities attempts to inform the public, and misinformation and disinformation are converging in the information landscape. Health communicators are recommended to keep the public informed with updates at regular intervals, and to update educational and informational materials. Fact Checking Source(s): PolitiFact
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