Several popular anti-vaccine accounts are using recent studies to falsely claim that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are more damaging to the heart than COVID-19 infection. Some posts link to an article falsely claiming that a new study found that COVID-19 vaccines are the sole cause of an increase in heart failure in children.
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Vaccine opponents use dubious “news” sites and questionable journals to advance anti-vaccine narratives. Debunking messaging may explain that the article misrepresented a recent study that has not yet been peer-reviewed. The study concluded that vaccination reduced COVID-19 hospitalization risk in adolescents and never mentioned heart failure or any heart conditions other than inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) and of the tissue surrounding the heart (pericarditis). Talking points may emphasize that vaccination reduces the risk of heart failure after COVID-19 infection and that infection increases heart complication risk far more than vaccination in every age group. Fact Checking Source(s): Reuters, USA Today, CHOP
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