In an interview with an entrepreneur who is well known for promoting vaccine misinformation, an airline pilot claimed that he was informed by a cardiologist that 30 percent of vaccinated pilots would fail flight health screenings due to vaccine injuries. The claim has been promoted on social media and conservative news sites for the past week. Pilots undergo annual or biannual health screenings to evaluate their ability to fly, and there is no evidence that vaccinated pilots have experienced an increase in health issues affecting their fitness. One of the purportedly vaccine-injured pilots has claimed that a heart attack that occurred more than six months after he was vaccinated was caused by the vaccine. Again, no evidence was provided to support this claim.
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Messaging may emphasize the amount of time and research that goes into the vaccine development process. In addition, explaining that stories about vaccine side effects are often drawn from unverified reports that have not yet been investigated by health officials is recommended, as is continuing to explain what mild side effects people can expect after vaccination. Messaging may also explain that serious complications from COVID-19 vaccines are extremely rare and that almost all occur shortly after vaccination, not months later. Fact Checking Source(s):
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