A White House email that unintentionally contained outdated mask guidelines has sparked conversations about the effectiveness of wearing masks to protect against COVID-19. The email about an upcoming event at the White House stated that unvaccinated individuals are required to wear masks and socially distance at the event. Right-wing commentators referred to mask requirements as “insanity,” “propaganda,” and “useless.” A correction email was sent out shortly after the first, clarifying that masks are no longer required at the White House.
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Misinformation about the effectiveness of wearing masks has circulated since the earliest days of the pandemic. Many anti-mask advocates have seized on a review published earlier this year to support their opposition to masks and mask mandates. Emphasizing that the analysis relied on limited evidence due to the lack of high-quality randomized controlled trials of mask effectiveness against COVID-19 is recommended. Debunking messaging may emphasize that the largest randomized trial of mask effectiveness against COVID-19 found a significant reduction in COVID-19 infections in people who consistently wore masks. Fact-checking sources:
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