Critics Call Vaccine Mandates Modern-Day Segregation

Vaccine mandate critics have weaponized the low vaccination rates among Black Americans to suggest that COVID-19 vaccine requirements will result in modern-day segregation. Sowing distrust among vulnerable and marginalized groups through half-truths and misleading data is a common tactic of misinformation agents. The Black vaccination rate is the lowest of any demographic at 38 percent due to a variety of factors including historic and justified mistrust in the government and medical institutions and long-standing barriers to access.  Black people have also made up a disproportionately large number of COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. For many months now, the federal government, local and state government, and a vast number of community organizations and volunteers have worked to bring up vaccination rates in the Black community. In recent weeks, as Delta cases surged, Black people have made up a growing percentage of new vaccinations.

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