Fall and Winter 2023 Vaccination Promotion

The fall and winter months are quickly approaching, and with them comes flu and respiratory virus season. Alongside a recent uptick in COVID-19 hospitalizations, many people are asking what they can do to keep themselves and their loved ones safe and healthy. 

The Public Health Communications Collaborative has created a resource to help you communicate timely, effective, and consistent information about flu, COVID-19, and RSV vaccines and immunizations. Use this toolkit to support community members in making decisions about what vaccines they’ll get to stay safe and healthy this fall and winter.

Download all files: Unbranded shareable graphics (English + Spanish versions)

Note: Learn more below about how you can add your organization’s logo to the bottom right corner of these social graphics.

Social Media Sample Posts

Sample Posts (English)

Click to download the shareable graphic. 

Click to download the shareable graphic.

  • This fall, protect yourself and your loved ones from the #flu, #COVID19, and #RSV by keeping up-to-date on your #vaccinations. Learn more about the five vaccines available this fall and who is eligible for each. [Insert link to your local/state landing page]

Sample Posts (Spanish)

Click to download the shareable graphic.

Click to download the shareable graphic.

  • Ponerse al día con las #vacunas puede ayudarle a usted y a sus seres queridos a protegerse contra la #influenza, el #COVID19 y el #VRS. Infórmese más sobre las cinco vacunas disponibles este otoño y sobre quiénes son elegibles. [Insert link to your local/state landing page]

Customizing Your Social Graphics

Use these instructions to customize the Fall and Winter 2023 Vaccination Toolkit Canva graphics with your organization’s logo.

  1. Create a free Canva account, if you don’t have one already. You will need one to edit the graphics. 
  2. Follow the hyperlinks below to access editable versions of the vaccination graphics. On the page that opens, you’ll click “Use template” to start editing.
  3. Upload your logo to Canva. You’ll click “Uploads” on the left sidebar of the page. Click the purple “Upload files” button or drag and drop your logo into the upload section.
  4. Drag and drop the logo into the placeholder area that says [ADD YOUR LOGO HERE/SU LOGOTIPO AQUÍ] and delete the placeholder text. 
  5. Adjust the placement of the logo as needed by dragging the logo across the graphic (be sure not to cover any text). To resize your logo, click on it and adjust the size with the white circles in each corner.
  6. When editing is complete, click “File” then “Download” in the top left to download the graphic to share on your social media channels and other communications platforms.

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