The following communications resources — including topline talking points, answers to tough questions, sample social media posts and graphics — can help you answer questions about updated COVID-19 booster doses and support your local vaccination outreach.
Topline Messages
Updated COVID-19 boosters are now available. What are they, who should get them, and when?
The CDC recommends that everyone who is eligible stay up-to-date on vaccinations by getting an updated booster dose at least 2 months after their last COVID-19 shot—either since their last booster dose, or since completing their primary series. Pfizer’s and Moderna’s updated vaccines are available for individuals as young as 6 months. The CDC expanded the use to the youngest group of children (age 6 months – 4 years) on December 9, 2022.
These new boosters contain an updated bivalent formula that both boosts immunity against the original coronavirus strain and also protects against the newer Omicron variants that account for most of the current cases. Updated boosters are intended to provide optimal protection against the virus and address waning vaccine effectiveness over time.
Eligible individuals can get either the Pfizer or Moderna updated booster, regardless of whether their primary series or most recent dose was with Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax, or the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. As per the CDC’s recommendations, the new bivalent booster replaces the existing monovalent vaccine booster, therefore that vaccine will no longer be authorized for use as booster doses.
For children age 6 months – 4 years who get the Pfizer primary series, the updated bivalent vaccine will be used as the third dose in the series, rather than as a separate booster.
Novavax Booster: The Novavax vaccine is authorized as a first booster dose for adults, at least 6 months after completing primary vaccination with any authorized COVID-19 vaccine. Adults age 18 and older may choose to receive a Novavax booster instead of an updated Pfizer or Moderna booster if they are allergic to mRNA vaccines or they are otherwise inaccessible.
Updated December 9, 2022
Answers to Tough Questions
Visit our Answers to Tough Questions for full messaging guidance to help you answer questions in your community, such as:
- Should I get an updated COVID-19 booster if I’ve previously gotten a booster? What if I recently had COVID-19?
- Can I get the updated COVID-19 booster if I haven’t been vaccinated yet?
- Can I mix and match my COVID-19 vaccine and booster?
Social Media Sample Posts and Shareable Graphics
Sample Posts (English)
Are you up-to-date on your #COVID19 vaccinations? If you haven’t yet received your updated (bivalent) booster, get extra protection today. Learn more about when/how to get an updated booster dose: [Link to your local/state landing page for more information]
With a severe flu season this winter, it’s time to get your flu shot. If you’re eligible to get an updated #COVID19 booster dose, you can also get your flu shot the same day! Learn more about getting your updated booster and flu shots here: [Link to your local/state landing page for more information]
Sample Posts (Spanish)
¿Estás al día con tus vacunas contre el #COVID19? Si aún no ha recibido tu dosis de refuerzo actualizada (bivalente), obtén protección adicional hoy mismo. Obtenga más información sobre cuándo y cómo ponerse una dosis de refuerzo actualizada: [Link to your local/state landing page for more information]
Con una temporada de gripe severa este invierno, es el momento de vacunarse contra la influenza. ¡Si es elegible para ponerse la dosis de refuerzo contra el #COVID19, puede vacunarse contra la influenza el mismo día! Obtenga más información sobre cómo ponerse la dosis de refuerzo actualizada y la vacuna contra la influenza aquí: [Link to your local/state landing page for more information]
Shareable Graphics
Click to download a folder with graphics in English and Spanish sized for multiple platforms. The below graphics are a preview of what you’ll find in the shareable graphics folder.
Click to download shareable graphics folder. Click to download shareable graphics folder.